Arm / thigh lift – removal of excessive tissue

Metropolitan Arm Thigh lift

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Arm lift

The age of a person is mainly noticeable on the skin. This is particularly evident on the upper arms. The interior and underside of the arms are affected the most. Arm Lift / the removal of excessive tissue can help. The excess tissue can be removed by surgery, which results in a harmonious overall appearance.

In many cases liposuction also contributes to improve results.

Thigh lift

Through weight loss, the reduced skin elasticity can result in excess skin. Usually, these occur at the inner side of the legs. A tightening of the thighs can be achieved by surgery. For this purpose, the excess tissue is removed. If possible, the scars are placed in existing wrinkles. Liposuction often improves the results even more.


The operation generally takes 2-3 hours and is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia.

After surgery

It is recommended that you rest your body for the next 2 – 3 weeks after the operation. A compression garment should be worn for 6 weeks.

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